Indicators of stress:
- fatigue, anxiety, poor motivation
- making mistakes, having accidents
- deteriorating relationships with colleagues, irritability, indecisiveness, absenteeism, excessive smoking, drinking, overeating, etc
- physical symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness and general aches and pains.
Long-term health effects:
- high blood pressure
- heart disease
- ulcers
- thyroid disorders
- gastrointestinal disorders
- psychological effects, such as anxiety and depression
- other behaviours, like skipping meals, drinking too much alcohol and excessive smoking.
Work-related stress hazards:
- poor physical or environmental conditions, eg noise, heat, lighting or cleanliness
- excessive workloads
- irregular working patterns
- changes in working times or unsocial hours
- task-related factors – physically or mentally beyond the individual’s capacity, repetitive or boring, etc
- interpersonal factors – day-to-day interaction with people, abuse and harassment
- role ambiguity – no clear idea of what is expected
- role conflict – opposing demands are made
- little or no recognition for work done
- personal threat – to personal safety or fear of redundancy or dismissal
- lone working
- major changes occurring within the organisation
- pressure from time constraints or deadlines, etc
Your responsibilities
- Raise any issues of concern with your line manager or human resources department
- Accept opportunities for counselling when recommended
- Cooperate and be meaningfully involved in the risk assessment process
- Be supportive of colleagues
Report cases of bullying or harassment!
Did you know?
Fact 1: According to the HSE, work-related stress accounts for over a third of reported ill health.
Fact 2: 480,000 people in Britain believe that they experience work-related stress at a level that makes them ill.
Fact 3: The cost of stress to society as a whole is over £3 billion per annum.
Do you know?
- Where to obtain information and guidance?
- How to seek help and support?
Talk to your health and safety representative if the answer is NO to either of these questions.
Alternatively contact us!