The Importance of Planning Work Activities

Planning Work Activities: 5 Important Tips

  1. Carry out a risk assessment for every activity, with a view to finding where the hazards are and working out a way to remove them or limit the possibility of them causing harm.
  2. Make sure everyone involved in the work activity understands their role, and the safe system of work that applies. Remember that sometimes you may need to state the obvious – what you may know or understand can differ from others, particularly those new to the job or the work environment.
  3. Confirm before work starts that the work equipment to be used is the most appropriate. For example, your risk assessment might state that a work platform needs to be used due to the length of the job, so in this scenario no one should be using a ladder instead.
  4. Ensure that you plan ahead so that workers wear suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) as required by the job, and use the right tools. Too often I hear someone say that they used a certain tool ‘just because it was there’, and not because it was the best tool to do that particular task safely.
  5. Keep an eye out for complacency. It’s human nature for people to switch off sometimes if they are very familiar with a job – yet problems can then arise when factors within that job change. Train workers to look for new hazards, and introduce toolbox talks on new and old subjects to keep the focus on health and safety.

Sometimes, it only takes a split second for someone to make the wrong decision. As an employer, it’s vital to plan ahead to try to control the likelihood of an accident occurring – make sure you review your systems to ensure they are fit for purpose.

Contact us if you require further advice.


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