- Display screen equipment (DSE) is covered by the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, which promote the safe and effective use of DSE.
- All aspects of the equipment and workstation are considered part of work with DSE.
- The way in which DSE is used may lead to upper limb disorders, fatigue, stress or eye discomfort.
- Excessive force, repetitive activities and poor postures are the three components perceived to be the biggest contributors to ill health associated with DSE work.
- The appropriate set up of all features of the workstation can prevent discomfort from work with DSE.
- Peripheral items for use with DSE can greatly improve the user’s comfort and effectiveness. Items must be selected for the person or the task to ensure suitability.
- Rest breaks and changes of activity are essential in ensuring safe and effective work with DSE.
- Checklists can be used to assess DSE work and ensure the workstation is suitable for the user to complete the required tasks.
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