Top Risk Activities for 2015: Make Sure You’re Prepared

Top 10 Higher Risk Activities

The HSE has issued a list of specific activities in defined sectors, recognised as being potentially higher risk. These are:

  1. Legionella infection in premises with cooling towers.
  2. Explosion caused by leaking Liquefied petroleum gas in premises with buried metal pipework.
  3. E. coli/Cryptosporidium infection at open farms.
  4. Fatalities or injuries from being struck by vehicles in warehouses and motor vehicle repair centres.
  5. Falls from height, including fatalities, or injuries, in industrial and retail premises.
  6. Amputation and crushing injuries in industrial and retail wholesale premises and timber merchants.
  7. Industrial diseases, including deafness and asthma in motor vehicle repair and industrial and retail premises.
  8. Crowd control and injuries, or fatalities, to the public at large-scale public events.
  9. Carbon monoxide poisoning in commercial catering premises.
  10. Violence at work in premises which have vulnerable working conditions, e.g. lone and night working.

** Some of the subjects will not be applicable to your business.

The HSE has advised LA Inspectors that proactive inspection should be used only for the activities on this list or where there is intelligence that risks are not being effectively managed. The Inspector must explain to you why you are being inspected and if you operate in a low-risk sector and have been unreasonably subject to a proactive health and safety inspection, contact us.



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