The Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice and Guidance “Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems” (L8) requires assessment of risks to employees and others in the workplace of contracting Legionnaires’ disease.
Inspection and test should be carried out in accordance with the local risk assessment.
Water tests need to be carried out and test results checked according to the Water Act 1989, Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000 and Food Safety Act 1991. This information is provided by the water supply company, up to the local building mains non-return valve (stop-cock).
Additional water quality sampling checks in premises distribution systems must also be completed in line with the HSE’s document L8. This requires checks of hot and cold water in line with risk assessment and at least annually from the furthest point on the water distribution network.
These checks may be more frequent, as determined by the premises risk assessment. In addition, water storage facilities must be examined in line with local risk assessment.
Contact us if you would like legionella testing carried out in a safe manner which does not disrupt the work place. A report is provided on completion.