Tips to Help Manage Vibration and Prevent Cases of HAVS
- Do a risk assessment to determine which vibrating tools are used in your workplace. Try to prevent any exposure to vibration, perhaps by using a machine to do the work instead, but if that cannot be achieved, look to reduce employee exposure to vibrating tools – perhaps by rotating individual workers on each job.
- Ensure that the correct tools are used for each particular job. Dispose of any tools which are broken or damaged to avoid them being used by mistake.
- Always pick tools that are designed to emit lower vibration levels – ensure this forms an important part of your procurement process.
- Check the manufacturer’s guidance for the vibration levels emitted by each tool, and establish the maximum time that the tool can be used for.
- Maintain and service tools effectively to keep them sharp – remember that blunt tools require extra force to be applied by workers.
- Provide health surveillance for workers to detect early signs of HAVS. Teach employees to report any problems such as tingling or numb fingers, finger blanching, or loss of strength in the hands or grip.
Take the time today to ensure your company is up to speed with the legal requirements concerning vibration, and that you have put the necessary controls in place.
Contact us should you require guidance.