This checklist will help you carry out a basic risk assessment of workplace temperatures.
If you answer ‘yes’ to at least two of these questions you should assess the risks and find out how you can protect your workers.
Contact us for further information.
Stress affects different people in different ways, and everyone has a different method of dealing with it. The chemicals that are released by your body as a result of stress can build up over time and cause various mental and physical symptoms.
Stress is an unfortunate but often unavoidable side effect of our busy lives. Having on-hand methods for managing stress is a good way to combat its physical, mental, and emotional impact. Click here to read our employee fact sheet on stress in the workplace.
During COVID many people were stressed about the pandemic, their work, their families and friends. Click here to read our blog published at that time.
Employers need to be proactive with employees to help understand what steps they need to take to proactively support their mental health so that you can focus on growing the business.
Contact us should you require advice or assistance.
Menopause awareness is about celebrating women as they age! Since 2009, the International Menopause Society (IMS), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), has designated October as World Menopause Awareness Month, with October 18 celebrated as World Menopause Awareness Day.
On our infographic, we look at the symptoms, help, and support that people are able to receive.
Did you know temporary cognitive impairment affects over 40%* women at some point during their menopause transition? Here are some tips to keep the cogs working!
Tip 1: Keep Hydrated.
Tip 2: Take a break outside.
Tip 3: Shower with your eyes closed.
Tip 4: Anchoring.
Tip 5: Invest in some noise-cancelling headphones.
If you would like to find out more click on the links below:
Reach out for advice Menopause Matters, menopausal symptoms, remedies, advice
Read one of our past blogs
Click on our wellbeing page for further information. Wellbeing | Walker Health and Safety Services (
Contact us if you require further information.
Health and safety audits and inspections are beneficial to a company.
Reasons why you should conduct a health and safety audit:
Take a read through out infographic. Contact us if you would like to discuss your companies health and safety management system, risk assessments or audits and inspections.