- Employers should keep in touch with lone workers, including those working from home, and ensure regular contact to make sure they are healthy and safe. Social Isolation
- Working from home can bring benefits both to the employee in terms of flexibility and to the employer in terms of reduced overhead costs.
- Siting the home office is an important consideration; segregation is preferred, followed by locking equipment away when not in use. Siting a Home Office
- Employers are required to assess all significant risks and to make adequate arrangements for managing the risks to homeworkers. Risk Assessments for Homeworking
- If display screen equipment (DSE) is to be used, employers must ensure that a DSE assessment is carried out with the homeworker and that health and safety requirements are met, including eye tests and the provision of appropriate equipment. Display Screen Equipment
- Employers must ensure that any substances are assessed and suitably controlled and should provide appropriate personal protective equipment. Hazardous Substances
- Homeworkers should be trained in the use of any equipment provided, which should be suitable for the job, regularly maintained and appropriately guarded.
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