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Keeping home-based vulnerable workers safe

Keeping home-based vulnerable workers safe

Keeping home-based vulnerable workers safe

Due to Covid-19 and the various lockdowns, many more workers than previously are either entirely or partly home-based.

Employers must be particularly careful and take extra steps for anyone in their workforce who is vulnerable to coronavirus (Covid-19).

When infection rates are particularly high and the country is in a national lockdown, vulnerable workers are advised to work from home if at all possible and not to go to work even if they cannot work from home, i.e. to “shield”. So, if you can support your vulnerable workers in homeworking, what are some of the particular issues to consider?

What is a vulnerable worker?

To summarise, these are the broad categories.

Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals are those people with specific underlying health conditions that increase the risk of severe illness if they contract Covid-19. A full list of groups falling into this category can be found on GOV.UK.

Clinically vulnerable individuals include those over the age of 70 years and those with certain defined underlying health problems, eg diabetes. Pregnant women are considered to be clinically vulnerable under this definition.

In addition to vulnerable workers, the GOV.UK website also refers to higher-risk groups of employees and these include:

•those with a high body mass index (BMI), ie who are obese

•those who from some Black, Asian or minority ethnicity (BAME) backgrounds

•those with certain health conditions not included under the vulnerable categories

•older males.

While there are currently no official expectations of additional controls for these higher risk workers, it is worth factoring them into the organisation’s risk assessments, especially if the organisation’s own HR policies have a wider definition of what is a vulnerable worker.

Homeworking for vulnerable workers

There are four key areas to consider when looking at homeworking for vulnerable workers.

1.Risk assessment.

2.Understand the worker.

3.Understand the home working environment.

4.Understand internal communication and supervision.

Risk assessment

Do not assume your organisation’s current homeworking risk assessments for vulnerable workers are undertaken and are up to date.

This will be especially true in comparatively low-risk environments such as offices where additional adjustments such as display screen equipment may have been put in place for individual vulnerable workers. In other words, controls may have been applied piecemeal but not necessarily with a risk assessment to define them.

Conversely, has your risk assessment for home-based working actually considered vulnerable workers? If not, then adequate controls may not necessarily have been defined and, so, put into place.

Ensure that your homeworking risk assessment covers the specific requirements of vulnerable workers.

Understand the worker

In making adjustments for vulnerable workers at home, your organisation is not simply meeting legal requirements, it is encouraging better productivity, less staff sickness absence and positive staff relationships.

Understanding the vulnerable worker and seeking their input is key to effective management. For example, an employee who is 70 years of age or older (one of the definitions of a vulnerable worker) might not necessarily have the IT skills to work confidently on their own at home, whereas in the workplace environment where everything has been set up for them and there is on-call IT support they have no particular issue. Another example might be if they are diabetic; some (but not all) individuals suffer periods of depression or anxiety as a side effect of their condition. As such, working on their own from home may not necessarily be a positive environment without regular managerial support and supervision.

Just because an employee is not a vulnerable worker in terms of the definitions currently given by the four nations in the UK, this does not mean that there are not medical or other issues that need to be taken into account with their home-based working needs.

Understand the homeworking environment

Risk assessments often look at what a typical home environment might entail. However, the individual circumstances of a vulnerable worker need to be understood.

For example, the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) may be higher for some vulnerable workers, depending on their condition. This would require specific provision from the employer, eg adapting workstations to be used at home, specific chairs, footstools or, perhaps, enhanced technologies such as lighter laptops and better peripherals appropriate to their particular needs.

For some vulnerable workers, fire safety may be a greater consideration, eg if their vulnerable status is due to a heart condition or serious respiratory illness, then home evacuation might not be as straightforward as for other workers. Discussing the issue with the worker so that they can take steps to improve their own fire safety — moving their office to ground floor level, for example — might be sufficient. If electrical safety is a concern, an employer could provide the optimum items to minimise fire risks within the home’s existing electrical infrastructure. Risks might arise due, for example, to “daisy-chaining“ in the home (multiple extension leads) and/or using incorrect or counterfeit or chargers for electrical devices,

Other controls to consider might include providing an appropriate fire extinguisher and verifying the worker has an appropriate smoke detector in their home.

Understand internal communication and supervision

Discussions between the worker and their manager around their specific concerns is particularly important. Isolation, lack of team involvement and even lack of support from supervisors is a risk for all workers and especially so for some vulnerable workers.

It should be remembered that some managers and supervisors might be vulnerable workers themselves, so the communication processes should be designed to minimise stress, maximise productivity and encourage two-way communication. This is easy to say but an issue that needs to be given visible support by senior management. The risk assessment process should have identified all vulnerable workers and the support available to them should be made clear to their line management.


It is strongly recommend that the risks and controls are regularly reviewed, for all workers. One approach is to consider the following questions.

  • Stop: what is not working?
  • Start: what could be improved and could be implemented?
  • Continue: What is working well and can continue?
  • Change: What is working to a degree, but could be modified slightly to work better?

Often problems with work-life balance or issues with connectivity can be resolved through reasonable adjustments by the employer and supervisors should be empowered to resolve matters quickly.

Contact us for further information.


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Electricity at Work Regulations – General Legislative Requirements

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require employers to assess the work activities which use electricity, or which may be affected by it, and to put in place safe systems of work.  There are also requirements in relation to the safe maintenance of electrical equipment and installations. Under the regulations, employers should ensure the following in relation to electrical equipment.

  1. No electrical equipment is used in a manner that will exceed its strength and capability.
  2. Where electrical equipment is likely to be used in hazardous or adverse conditions, it is constructed or protected to prevent danger in such conditions.
  3. There is a means of protecting systems from excess current.
  4. There is a means of cutting off the supply and isolating the current.
  5. Suitable precautions are taken to work on live systems.
  6. Anyone carrying out a work activity involving or near to electrical systems must be competent so as to prevent danger.

Portable electrical equipment

Portable electrical equipment can be described as equipment that is not part of a fixed installation but is intended to be connected to a fixed installation, or a generator, by means of a flexible cable and either a plug and socket, or a spur box, or similar means.

When using portable electrical equipment, employers should ensure the following.

  • Employees are trained in how to use the electrical equipment safely.
  • Employees are capable of checking for signs of hazards and danger and can stop work if necessary.
  • Enough sockets are available and are not overloaded.
  • The use of extension leads is reduced to the minimum.
  • There are no trailing cables that can cause people to trip or fall.
  • Appliances are switched off and unplugged before cleaning or adjustment.
  • Any electrical equipment brought to work by employees, or hired or borrowed, is suitable for use and remains suitable by being maintained as necessary.
  • A residual current device (RCD) has been considered for use between the supply and the equipment, particularly when working outdoors, or in wet or confined conditions.

Employees using the equipment (including extension leads) should be encouraged to look at it critically and check for signs that it may not be in sound condition.

Fixed electrical installations

Fixed electrical systems in new buildings have to comply with relevant building standards and controls and many now have integral safety features, such as residual circuit breakers. BS 7671 (IET Wiring Regulations, 18th Edition) sets the standards for electrical installation in the UK.

It is a legal requirement that all electrical work should be carried out by competent persons. A successfully completed electrical apprenticeship, with some post-apprenticeship experience, is one way of demonstrating technical competence for general electrical work.

Inspection and Testing

Fixed installations and portable electrical equipment should be subject to a maintenance regime. This information should be kept by a H&S Representative.

Formal visual inspections should be undertaken by a suitably trained person. Periodic combined inspection and testing is the only reliable way of detecting certain faults, and should be carried out to back up the checks and inspection regime.

Contact us should you have any questions.


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The Importance of Health and Safety Training for Directors and Executives

The safest workplaces are those where health and safety standards are set at a high level – from the very top right down to the very bottom. You have to lead by example and encourage everyone to adopt a safe and compliant attitude across the entire organisation. Ignorance is never a defence if your find yourself in the middle of a RIDDOR investigation.

As a director you have a responsibility to educate yourself about health and safety. You need to know what your role is in ensuring a safe, as well as productive, workplace. Being an executive, getting that title of director, comes with a price – ultimately the buck stops at your desk.

The good news is that, although you need to know the broad outline of health and safety regulations, you don’t need to commit the fine detail to memory. That means you can fit a health and safety course into a single day.

Here are courses that top management could do.

CITB Directors Role for health and safety

IOSH Leading Safety

IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors

If you require advice on booking a course or finding a supplier, please contact us.

We can point you in the right direction.


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Sun Awareness Week 2019

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) currently runs a national campaign around skin cancer called Sun Awareness, which includes national Sun Awareness Week in May. This campaign is overseen by the BAD’s Skin Cancer Prevention Committee, comprised of leading medical professionals with expertise in skin cancer, vitamin D and public health messaging.

Sun Awareness Week (6-12 May) encourages people to regularly self-examine for signs of skin cancer and teaches them about the dangers of sunburn and excessive tanning.

Worldwide, non-melanoma skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer, with an estimated 2-3 million cases registered every year.

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a risk that particularly affects outdoor workers, who receive 5-10 times the yearly sun exposure of indoor workers.

Walker Health and Safety Services Limited is supporting Sun Awareness Week and the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s (IOSH) global campaign to tackle occupational cancer – ‘No Time to Lose’, which aims to get carcinogenic exposure issues more widely understood and help businesses take action by providing free practical resources.

Find out more about the campaign at, follow @_NTTL on Twitter, and use the hashtag #SunAwarenessWeek.

Resources for your company can be downloaded here.

Also, contact us for further information.



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Workplace Safety Hazards Infographic

We have a great post detailing 7 Common Workplace Safety Hazards. Due to the popularity of this piece, we have now created an infographic to support this. If you would like to share this image please scroll down for the embed code.

Workplace safety hazard infographic

Contact us if you require further information.

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